Blog entry #12 By Jo Rodriguez

Life is full of messages and beautiful moments that find a way to put a smile on your face sometimes when we least expect it but need it the most. Yesterday I started to lay out how my day was going to unfold and plan out all my errands and making a stop at the grocery store was going to be one of them. As much as I love food, going to the store to physically get it, is not one of my favorite things to do. Don’t get me wrong, I love to shop, just hate the hassle and long lines.

As my day went on, I made it to the grocery store and as I navigated each aisle, I felt distracted with much of my personal life thoughts, I was feeling a little anxious, and had been strategizing on how to deliver all the messages that I have in my heart and mind to help others. I started to think about the lives that I hope my book and blog will help change. I thought about all that I want to share and speak about to make a difference somehow. This calling is so strong inside my heart, and I want to do right by it, so it weighs heavy on me. I found myself letting my mind wander, doubting my abilities, if I can deliver them effectively, and how will people see me. I know that I am perfectly flawed, and I accept myself for all that I am and know that I can do whatever I put my mind to do, pluse I have the man upstairs leading my way. We are our own worst critics!

So my negative thoughts alarm goes off and that requires an intervention of positive thoughts to get me back on track and dismiss the pity party that showed up uninvited. I then start reflecting on all the countless blessings that I have been given each and every day. I have been blessed to have added another set of a grandchild’s footprints on my heart earlier this year and am expecting one more before the year is over. I am blessed to have the love of a strong man that has sacrificed so much for me to see my dreams come to fruition. That I am blessed to have all of our children all walking this earth and finding their own ways in this world. Embracing that this year has been full of personal growth and that I am thankful to God for never giving up on me and providing me with guidance each and every day. I am grateful and blessed beyond words.

So, there I am standing in the check out line having this internal therapy session, and am fully engaged in my little Jo bubble when I hear this little tiny voice behind me….a little girl, maybe 2-3 years of age. I hear her saying” Hi, hi, hi”. I didn’t turn around initially because I thought she was talking to someone else until I heard her little voice again say “Hi, hi”. So I turned around and she is looking right at me and was waving her little heart out at me along with a smile from ear to ear.

Her mother then begins to tell me that her daughter was convinced that I looked just like Moana, the Disney princess because of my hair. The way that little girl’s face lit up when I returned the hello, was priceless and made my heart smile too. At that moment I realized that we are always doubting ourselves and how others see us, but this little girl, this complete stranger, only saw someone to look up to. I know I made a difference for her just at that moment without even trying and it made her day and it made mine. I completed my transaction at the register and turned back one last time to wave and say goodbye. I looked into her innocent eyes that had given me such a gift when I needed it the most, by allowing me to be reminded that I can and will make a difference even if it was just being Moana in her eyes for that moment.

Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed. In the second, it is opposed. In the third, it is regarded as self-evident.”– Arthur Schopenhauer

Audio of Moana in Her Eyes