Blog post #14 by Jo Rodriguez

I wear many hats or wear many crowns, so to speak and today I wanted to share an experience that happened just before Thanksgiving. My husband and I had been members with Riders United 4 Children non-profit that helps out children that have been abused, trafficked, or removed from abusive environments. Once we would make contact with a referred family, their needs would be evaluated and services or resources are then provided. Most of the time it is the beginning of a continued journey of support and a bonding relationship for the family and the Riders group as time goes by. This past Thanksgiving, we were able to bless 5 needy families that we had helped in the past with turkeys. Our group gathered to collect the turkeys and then broke up into groups to set out to personally deliver each turkey to the designated families. I count my blessings each and every day and especially after we made our delivery. As we put our kickstands down we were greeted by the families smiling children that were excited to see us again and that we were there. The love and appreciation was felt by myself and the others that were with me. As we touched base and got caught up with the parents, I was able to hold the youngest infant in my arms as sleep was heavy on his eyes. It is in those moments that God blesses you with the vision to see one another as brothers and sisters.  No matter how much or how little we have, we will always give what we can to those in need and never forget the significance of humbling moments.