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Hello everyone! I am so excited to finally be able to share my book with you! If you would like to purchase Thunder In My Curls, please choose your options and click the link below! Thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart!-Jo

Thunder In My Curls paperback or Thunder In My Curls ebook

Thunder in My Curls has been a storm brewing in my heart.  I have been silent and afraid for too long and this book is my own personal journey and healing of surviving domestic violence and a very public sexual assault by my abuser. I share with you all the ripples of damage it does in the aftermath and to show you how it destroys families. I spent over a decade running from the shadow of that life-changing day and trying to find my own identity. I have embraced my journey of finding strength, courage, and rising as a survivor and no longer a victim.  My hope is to bring a new awareness to maybe help someone else that is being abused and has not found their way out yet.

For all the times I was told I was nothing, would never be anything, and had nothing to offer…….my silence is over, my voice will resonate, and my strength is now unimaginable.

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